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Obtaining an ESTA for a minor in the USA

Foreign minors traveling to the United States must be in possession of a personal travel authorization at all ages.

Is ESTA mandatory for minors?

When children are eligible for ESTA, each child must have a personal authorization in his or her name, regardless of age. Each individual in a family must obtain his or her own ESTA travel authorization before boarding a flight to the USA.

How do I complete an ESTA for a minor?

To obtain authorization for a minor, complete the ESTA form online. This is the same form as for adults. The ESTA questions are strictly the same, whatever the age of the applicant.

What travel documents are required for minors?

In order to embark for the United States, a minor child must be in possession of :

Can I make a group ESTA request?

The official ESTA website allows you to apply for ESTA for an individual or a group.

The ESTA group application process allows you to make a single ESTA fee payment for all the authorizations requested. However, for each of the group’s applications, it is necessary to complete all the information on the online ESTA form.